BBULL Technology
Best Practice for Detecting Leaks in Cans of Carbonated Drinks

Best Practice for Detecting Leaks in Cans of Carbonated Drinks

Best Practice for Detecting Leaks in Cans of Carbonated Drinks

Post-treatment inspections are the gold standard for detecting micro-leaks in cans with carbonated drinks—ensuring product integrity, reducing false positives, and safeguarding consumer satisfaction. This approach highlights the importance of inspecting Continue reading

Alpha HF Fill Level Inspection

Alpha HF Fill Level Inspection

The BBULL Alpha HF is a reimagined fill level inspection. The utilized high frequency technology, already present within our line-up for decades, has undergone a complete overhaul on its mechanical parts and software evaluation.

Especially suitable for Continue reading

Rejection System TRI Sorter

Rejection System TRI Sorter

Servo-controlled object distribution at speeds up to 18,000 objects per hour.